Thursday, April 10, 2014

It's an honour.......

OK - so I am sitting here with the left side of my face on my left shoulder from a massive jaw infection thanks to a hole in one of my teeth! (Yes lesson learnt the hard way - always go to the dentist before it gets this bad).

Anyway, last month I was contacted by the lovely Deb from a Quilters Table who was asking for my permission to feature one of my blocks as part of a 22 Favourite Quilt Blocks post that she was organising on the Sew Mama Sew blog.

Talk about being totally humbled, as she had chosen my Road to Fortune Block that I picked as part of a Queen Bee group that I was involved with last year.

Here is the block again in case you can't remember how it looked.... or check out the original post here!

I am sad to say that this is how the quilt is currently going! Just four blocks on my design wall begging to be added to and then mad into a gorgeous bright scrappy quilt!

See what I hadn't counted on was that all printers automatically print the pattern pieces to whatever setting they are set to - so this resulted in all my blocks with the exception of 4 being different sizes. No problems though as I am planning on using the odd sized ones on the back as a bit of a feature.  I think if I was to run this block again as a Bee block, I would print all the paperwork and then send the templates off to each person. That way I can guarantee that the sizing will all be the same.

Before I go any further I really need to thank the delightful Cathy from The Blueberry Patch who was the inspiration behind this quilt. Check out her post here that set the wheels in motion for my Road to Fortune quilt. And we wont even start to talk about the number of quilts that have been added to my one day I want to make list all because I have seen it on Cathy's blog!

See, told you these blocks are clinging on my Design Wall! Hmmm, I really think I need to do a tidy up of my sewing space before I start sewing again! LOL

Anyway, just thought you would all like to share in my exciting news as I am still waiting for my feet to touch the ground! I mean really - me! Little Ol me with almost no Patchwork experience!

And as for my Paper piecing mentors - Kristy, Jane and Marieka - are you all the slightest bit proud!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Look what I found.....

I know I am on a self imposed fabric ban and I probably should have held this post off until a Sunday Stash, but I am just sew sew excited by this find that I had to share it with you all NOW!!!!!

We have a dreaded viral infection going through our house at the moment - so imagine my delima when on Wednesday I had both kids home from school sick and then our power went out for scheduled maintenance! Bugger Bum Poop!

You see - because we live on a farm - without power, we can't flush the toilet or even get a glass of water without electricity to run the house pump. And to to it all off, because our tank is underground - we can't even manually get any water!

So here I was stuck at home in the dark with two sick kids! EEK!!!!! Normally I would have taken them to the park to play or down to the beach - but neither of them had any extra energy to run around and play. So... we decided to go Op Shop Hopping!

The kids between them got some books to read and the Monopoly Board game - the Australian Edition. But the biggest and bestest find of the day was mine..... ALL MINE!

Check out this total yumminess of Walk in the Woods by Aneela Hoey. The charm pack was $8.00, $1.50 for the red FQ and only $5.00 for the yard of blue birds on mushrooms! OMG - this range has been on my drool list for ages now.

Does anybody have any suggestions on how I should use my precious Walk in the Woods goodies???? Feel free to leave me a comment or even a link in the comment section below!

But wait.... there was still even more yumminess to be found!

I also picked up 2 charm packs of Blush for yep $8.00 each, a Melly & Me Ladybird pattern for $1.00 and then this sweet 2.5" charm pack of Avalon.

Despite my spending whilst on my ban, I was very well contained and managed to leave lots of other yummy goodness behind.

Now I should be saying I had hurry up and go and hide all of this before the Hubby gets home - but truth be told - I was sew sew excited that I showed him before he had even gotten fully in the front door when he popped home for some more fencing gear. LOL.