Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Sunday Stash on a Thursday!

I know I know - I have been missing in action for soooo long and then all of a sudden I turn up with a Sunday Stash post on a Thursday! The hide of me! 

I am sure you all understand how life just gets in the way some times - unfortunately for me, it was a couple of months worth all together! Plus not to mention that I happened to stumble across the Sew Mama Sew Giveaway week - which took me what seemed like a whole 100 bag box of tea to go through.  Fingers crossed that I win something.  If you haven't entered, head on over to the Sew Mama Sew page and enter one or two or hundreds - but be quick cause it ends soon.

Anyway, enough rambling Kel - get to all the good stuff that you have been shoving into the already overflowing cupboards of fabric of late.

Just a little warning that this post is very heavy on photos!

My Pezzy Print Jelly Roll arrived from Busy Thimbles - so now I can start the Squared Out pattern designed by the owner - Judy Hansen! Not quite sure who this one will be fore - but it was just one of those quilts that I just had to do!

A new revamped Australian Homespun arrived as well. I got a subscription as a Christmas present and I am totally loving the fact that it arrives in the mail and I don't have to go in to town to buy it. I am still not sure on the recycled paper feel of the pages though - but it is still brim full of total inspiration. 

These two lots were brought from The Wellington Patchwork store when the kidlets and I were down that way for the school holidays. The two Marmalade Charm packs are flannelette and I am hoping to team it with some plain flannelette to make a nice lap quilt. The bag pattern and FQ - were just too cute to resist. LOL

This butterfly fabric and matching button is destined to be a new Coffee Snuggly, as it seems my darling sister has lost the one that I had previously made for her. 

OK - now are you ready to see what $50 in an Op Shop can buy you?????
I am still over the moon with my bargain buys.

2mts of light pink pattern & 1mtr of the monkey print - both are quilting cotton weight. 

All of the above are FQ's and came in a bag for only $6.00 including the Strawberry Shortcake ones!

Some more quilting weight cotton and flannelette - all FQ size or bigger.

Some Mary Engelbreit fabrics - all well over the 1mtr mark.

Some red velcro (both sides), some wooden cotton reels to add to my collection, purple guiterman thread and some patterns.

More flannelette - 1 mtr of the monkeys and 2mtrs of the turtles.

and last but not least, 2mtrs plus of some bright red terry toweling, which I am going to use to back some bibs with etc.

I am pretty stoked with all my goodies, all of this was from 2 different Op Shops! 
I did go back again this Monday - but I will save those goodies for the next Sunday Stash.

I am linking this Sunday Stash post up to the lovely Fiona from Finding Fifth


  1. Ooh lots of lovelies!! What a score at the op shops!!

  2. Snapping ducks you sored big time with your Op Shop finds. I am a bit envious of the Marmalade charm packs too. You also happen to be the winner of my Sunday Stash 4 FQ bundle this week from the SMS give away. That's becuase you linked this post up to Sunday Stash. Lovely to have you back girl!

    1. Woot Woot! So great to be back too!
      Wait to you see the rest of my Op Shop score - just about to post that one soon.
