Hmmm, a day late (AGAIN - I hear you all say)!
I don't have any interesting things that have been added to my slowly growing stash! I did go to SL and buy 7 mtrs of Iron Grey Homespun for my Modern QAL & Road to Fortune quilts, plus 3 mtrs of Natural Unseeded Homespun for the Easy As ABC QAL!
See not very interesting at all! But.......
How about a photo of Hubby in his Minnie Mouse outfit instead?
I don't have a great shot and it was a case of quick try this on to see if it is OK as he walked out the door for the Scout weekend.
I had asked a few people if they could take some photos over the weekend for me - but I am still waiting to get any! Not the best costume I have ever made - but you certainly get the gist of who he is. He was happy with it all so I suppose that is what counts. I am also still waiting to get my new black leggings back - apparently they make great thermals underneath his work jeans for days like today that are cold wet and miserable. LOL
Anyway, linking up to Sunday Stash over at Quiet Play today!
Lol! That's great!! Nice job on the costume and what a good hubby willingly going along with it ;)